Dear District Customer:

North Kootenai Water District’s licensed operators will be partnering with a locally licensed public works contractor to relocate the 16” water main that provides water to the Rimrock service area. (Please see attached map for construction site.)

What does this mean for you as the customer? North Kootenai Water District needs your help in protecting public health and safety during this time. We will be working with the contractor to complete this realignment on a scheduled date in late January/early February after the district has verified the relocated water main meets pressure and sampling requirements. While the realignment is completed, we will not be able to pump water from the wells supplying the system and the storage reservoir. Water available to supply the system will be drawn from the finite amount of water stored in our reservoir. We need you to refrain from using non-essential water during this scheduled period so that we are successful in maintaining water pressure in our main waterlines and, in the event of an emergency, adequate fire flow.

Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to North Kootenai Water District office.

Thank you,

Paul Tucker
District Manager