The Clarkview Tank supplies gravity storage to pressurize booster pumps providing water service and fire flow to the Clarkview distribution zone of the Hillside Service Area. Previous attempts by the District to address significant leaks in the concrete tank had been unsuccessful, and replacement of the tank was estimated at 1.5 million. After weighing the criticality of the tank and the significant cost of replacement, brainstorming sessions began.
In consultation with structural engineers and a local contractor, District staff conducted a study to determine the structural integrity of the tank. Eight core samples of the tank walls were shipped to a laboratory certified to perform petrographic and chloride profile analyses of concrete and located in Skokie Illinois. The results of the samples were evaluated by the structural engineer, and the District was pleased to learn the structural integrity of the tank had not been compromised by the leaks.
From there, the District worked with local contractors to have deteriorated concrete removed and replaced with Shotcrete, followed by an interior recoating with SprayRoq, an NSF-approved potable water product commonly used to line tanks.
The project was funded out of District set aside reserves at a total cost of $332,000 and was $40,000 under budget. With the completion of these improvements, engineering estimate indicate the tank service life has been extended by at least 40 more years!
Now there is a story that holds water!