Water Conservation Information

At North Kootenai Water District, we’re dedicated to providing our community with affordable, reliable, and safe water.

Summer is the most critical time for water-saving.

Avoid high water bills while helping us ensure we maintain enough water capacity to support you throughout the heavy irrigation season.

NKWD is required by the State of Idaho Rules to have the pumping capacity to meet customer demand on our highest usage day with our largest pump out of service.

This means that higher summer water-usage in our community leads to Idaho-State required investments in pumping and storage capacity. This in turn leads to higher future rates for our customers to offset the cost. Every time you reduce your summer water-usage, you help us maintain stable water resources without the need to invest more money in larger pumps and additional storage, keeping your water rates low.

Understand your Water Rates

If you receive your water through the North Kootenai Water District, you pay through a tiered rate system. This means your water becomes more expensive the more you use. Typically, rates start to increase after the first 5000 gallons used per household each month.

For a complete breakdown of your water rates, see our rates page.

Soon, you’ll be able to track your water usage through our “Eye on Water” Program. Learn more.

Cost-Saving / Water-Saving Products Rebate Program

North Kootenai Water District customers who provide acceptable proof of purchase and installation of any of the following water-saving products can qualify for a rebate. The rebate consists of a maximum, one-time, rebate credit of $700 per residential customer and $1400 per commercial customer. A summary of eligible purchases is provided on this table.

View, download, or print the Conservation Rebate Credit Form for more information.

Earning your rebate credit is easy!


Purchase and install one of the qualifying water-saving products.


Mail in the rebate credit form with proof of purchase and installation.


Receive a rebate credit directly to your water bill.

WaterSense-Labeled Toilet

WaterSense-labeled toilets meet strict EPA criteria for efficiency and performance. By replacing older, less efficient toilets with a WaterSense-labeled model, you could save up to 13,000 gallons of water per year, saving you up to $50/year in water costs.

WaterSense-Labeled Irrigation Controller

Replacing a standard clock-based controller with a WaterSense-labeled irrigation controller can save an average home up to 15,000 gallons of water annually. This could save you up to $50/year in water costs.

WaterSense-Labeled Spray Sprinkler Nozzle

According to EPA’s calculations, the average household with an in-ground irrigation system could save approximately 2,400 gallons of water annually by replacing standard spray nozzles with WaterSense-Labeled Spray Sprinkler Nozzles.

Water Conservation Tips

Save money by conserving water in your yard.

Water usage in the yard has the single largest effect on overall water usage. It’s why summer has the heaviest water usage by far! Changing your lawn watering habits is also the easiest way to drastically reduce your water consumption and save money.

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  • Limit Lawn watering to 1-2″ of water/week including rain.
  • Check sprinklers regularly and fix leaks or broken units.
  • Adjust sprinklers to avoid watering pavement.
  • Adjust watering schedule according to the weather.
  • Sprinkle lawns before 10:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. to reduce evaporation waste.
  • Use drip irrigation systems on shrubs, trees, and flowers.
  • Sweep sidewalks, driveways, or other paved surfaces instead of washing them with water.
  • Hand water dry spots in the yard.
  • Install a smart irrigation controller to optimize watering schedules and amounts.

Water Conservation Tips

Save money with a new landscaping strategy.

  • Mulch trees, shrubs, and flowers to retain soil moisture – 2″ of mulch can reduce evaporation by 50%.
  • Reduce lawn areas and replace with ground covers.
  • Consider native vegetation or drought-tolerant varieties:
    • Trees – Hackberry, Russian Olive, Locust
    • Shrubs – Siberian Pea Shrub, Caryopteris, Smoke Tree, Catoneaster, Juniper, Yew, Sumac, Mahonia, Pyracantha, Snowberry
    • Ground cover and vines – Juniper, Thyme, Kinnickkinnick
    • Perennials – Thrift, Artemesia, Butterfly Weed, Beaded Iris, Daffodils, Penstemon

Optimizing your landscaping approach can lead to significant savings on your water bill. The majority of domestic water use is attributed to maintaining yards, particularly during the dry summer months. By adopting water-efficient landscaping techniques, you can greatly minimize water waste.

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Outdoor Watering Nerds Logo

Looking for more outdoor watering solutions? Kootenai’s Outdoor Watering Nerds can connect you to professionals and do-it-yourself resources. https://outdoorwateringnerds.org/

Looking for more outdoor watering solutions? Kootenai’s Outdoor Watering Nerds can connect you to professionals and do-it-yourself resources. https://outdoorwateringnerds.org/

Outdoor Watering Nerds Logo

Water Conservation Tips

Save money by conserving water in your home.

Every drop counts, and there are plenty of ways to save water in your home. Every small act adds up to major savings.

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  • Fix leaking faucets and toilets – A small leak can waste 20 or more gallons per day.
  • Wash full loads of clothes and dishes – Each extra load can use up to 40 gallons.
  • Shut off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving – Running the faucet for two minutes can use a gallon of water.
  • Shorten showers
  • Use water efficient appliances – Newer appliances can cut water use by 50%.
  • Each flush wastes water – Don’t use the toilet as a wastebasket.
  • Upgrade to WaterSense Labeled Toilets.

Join the Summer Water-Saving Challenge for a free water bottle sticker!

Commit to limiting your water usage through the critical summer season. Share your commitment below to receive a free sticker that you can show off on your water bottle, car, fridge or anywhere! Choose from the examples to the right or create your own personal commitment.

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Summer Water-Saving Commitments

  • Purchase and install one WaterSense labeled product.
  • Only water lawn for 15 min before sunrise, three days a week.
  • Only run dishwasher with full loads
  • Only run washing machine with full loads
  • Limit toilet flushes to human waste only
  • Sweep driveways instead of watering them
  • Replace part of lawn with ground cover or drought-tolerant vegetation
  • Hand water dry spots in the yard

My Summer Water-Saving Commitment

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Be informed and in control of your water usage.

And continue to enjoy safe, reliable, and affordable water.