Affordable, reliable,
and safe water
resources for our
Important Announcement(s)
Ohio Match Upper Pressure Zone customers: on February 6th at approximately 9:50 am, the upper pressure zone of the Ohio Match system was briefly depressurized due to a pump failure that has been corrected. Pressure has been restored and water sample results confirm the absence of bacteria. For more information on depressurization, please click here.
Rimrock Customers: The completion of the construction inter-tie and related water use restrictions have been postponed due to frigid temperatures. For more information, please click here.
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Planning to Implement Irrigation Upgrades? Check out the District’s new conservation rebate program to see if you qualify for a credit to your water bill.
Rimrock Service Area – January 27th-28th Water Use Restrictions postponed. For more information, please click here.
Quick Access to Helpful Information
Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program
Board Meetings and Minutes
Mission and Values
Mission Statement
“The mission of the North Kootenai Water District is to provide affordable, reliable, and safe water resources to our customers.”
“We strive to achieve this through professional management, fiscal responsibility, customer satisfaction, governmental compliance and conservation. We do this in the public’s trust, while protecting the water quality of our greater community.”
Vision Statement
The North Kootenai Water District Board’s vision is to achieve customer satisfaction while providing our employees a workplace environment that enhances performance, resulting in achievement of District goals and mission.
Service Areas
Serving fifteen individual water systems with
non contiguous boundaries within a two hundred
square mile area.
Current and Future Projects
Gozzer Ranch Infrastructure Improvements Update
Chilco Service Area Pump Upsize
Hillside – Clarkview Tank
Our Story
North Kootenai Water and Sewer District’s origins began with our community’s vote to form a non-profit water district to acquire nine local privately owned water systems. The ballot measure was driven by customers seeking improved water service. In 1998, District customers approved a second ballot measure to purchase the nine systems and fund much-needed improvements.
The community service principles the District was founded on continue to drive us as we have grown to serve over 13,000 people throughout Kootenai County through 15 individual water systems and one wastewater system.
The District’s Mission Statement is to provide affordable, reliable, and safe water sources to our customers. We strive to achieve this through professional management, fiscal responsibility, customer satisfaction, governmental compliance, and conservation. We do this in the public’s trust while protecting the greater water quality of our community. It’s what we do.
Quiet Heroes of Public Health Protection
“As a water or wastewater system operator, how many lives do you touch every day?” This is a question trainer Mary Howell often asks operators. When Suzanne Scheidt worked with water system operators throughout North Idaho in her prior career with IDEQ, she often referred to them as the quiet heroes of public health protection
When we excel in our responsibility to the community to provide safe drinking water, no one should notice we are there.
Read Stories of Your Quiet Heroes of Public Health Protection